利用報告書 / User's Report


課題データ / Project Data

課題番号 / Project Issue Number


利用課題名 / Title

Fabrication of micro/nano devicesマイクロ・ナノデバイスの作製

利用した実施機関 / Support Institute


機関外・機関内の利用 / External or Internal Use

内部利用(ARIM事業参画者以外)/Internal Use (by non ARIM members)

技術領域 / Technology Area

【横断技術領域 / Cross-Technology Area】(主 / Main)加工・デバイスプロセス/Nanofabrication(副 / Sub)計測・分析/Advanced Characterization

【重要技術領域 / Important Technology Area】(主 / Main)高度なデバイス機能の発現を可能とするマテリアル/Materials allowing high-level device functions to be performed(副 / Sub)-

キーワード / Keywords

リソグラフィ・露光、成膜・膜堆積、膜加工、熱処理、表面処理、切削,リソグラフィ/Lithography,膜加工・エッチング/Film processing and Etching,スパッタリング/Sputtering,EB,高品質プロセス材料/ High quality process materials,IoTセンサ/ IoT sensor

利用者と利用形態 / User and Support Type

利用者名(課題申請者)/ User Name (Project Applicant)

金 秀炫

所属名 / Affiliation


共同利用者氏名 / Names of Collaborators in Other Institutes Than Hub and Spoke Institutes

Shuo LI

ARIM実施機関支援担当者 / Names of Collaborators in The Hub and Spoke Institutes
利用形態 / Support Type

(主 / Main)機器利用/Equipment Utilization(副 / Sub)-

利用した主な設備 / Equipment Used in This Project

NM-616:シリコンDRIE装置 [ASE-SRE]
NM-607:スパッタ装置 [CFS-4EP-LL #3]

報告書データ / Report

概要(目的・用途・実施内容)/ Abstract (Aim, Use Applications and Contents)

Micro/Nano patterns are fabricated on silicon/silicon oxide substrate by using laser writing or e-beam lithography, as well as DRIE, gold thin films are deposited by using sputtering machine.

実験 / Experimental

Laser lithography, E-beam lithography and metallization processes were used here. The details of the process are shown below.  i.         The substrate is cleaned by sonication in a bath of acetone and ethanol for 5min, respectively, then dried with blowing nitrogen at room temperature. ii.         ZEP (HSQ) and JSR resists are used for E-beam and Laser writing, respectively.iii.         E-beam exposure or Laser exposureiv.         After e-beam or laser writing, the sample is put in the right developer for appropriate time and followed with rinsing under flowing DI water and dried with nitrogen. v.         The gold thin films are deposited by using Sputter CFS-4EP-LL i-Miller.

結果と考察 / Results and Discussion

Figure 1(a) shows the optical microscope image of the gold electrodes pattern. Figure 1(b) presents the photo of the silicon chip with through holes fabricated by DRIE. Figure1(c) shows the scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of HSQ nanopillars. 

図・表・数式 / Figures, Tables and Equations

Figure 1(a) Optical microscope image of the gold electrodes sample on Si substrate, (b) image of the Si chip with desired dimension of through holes, (c) SEM image to show HSQ nanopillars (diameter: 200 nm, pitch: 500 nm).

その他・特記事項(参考文献・謝辞等) / Remarks(References and Acknowledgements)

成果発表・成果利用 / Publication and Patents

論文・プロシーディング(DOIのあるもの) / DOI (Publication and Proceedings)
  1. S. Li, Redox-labelled electrochemical aptasensors with nanosupported cancer cells, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 216, 114643(2022).
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2022.114643
口頭発表、ポスター発表および、その他の論文 / Oral Presentations etc.
  1. S. Li, et al. MNC 2022, 8-11 November 2022, Kyoto, Japan (Oral presentation)
特許 / Patents

特許出願件数 / Number of Patent Applications:1件
特許登録件数 / Number of Registered Patents:0件
