How to use

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Services in ARIM Japan

User-Facility services

  • User facility services with advanced equipment & skilled experts in the field of nano/micro fabrication, measurement/analysis, and materials synthesis
  • Many equipment has been upgraded and new equipment has been introduced with automation, remote access, and high throughput capabilities to facilitate data acquisition.


Major Equipment

  • High Voltage Electron Microscope
  • Aberration Corrected Electron Microscope
  • Positron Probe Microanalyzer
  • Ultra-High Resolution STEM
  • Electron Beam Exposure System
  • Steppers
  • RIE Equipment
  • Sputtering Equipment
  • CVD Equipment
  • Focused Ion Beam System
  • Laser Processing Equipment
  • NMR
  • Spectroscopic Analysis Equipment
  • Mass Spectrometer
  • Surface Analysis Equipment
  • Bio-Preparation & Evaluation Equipment
  • and others

A variety of services in ARIM

Technical Consultation

サンプル画像The technical staff of each hub & spoke institution responds to user’s various requirements to solve technical issues.

Equipment Operation by users

サンプル画像Equipment is operated by the users themselves. Data analysis is also carried out by the user.

Technical Assistance

サンプル画像Users operate the equipment with the assistance of technical staff of ARIM.

Operation on behalf of users

サンプル画像Based on the request, the technical staff of ARIM conducts experiments, measurements, and analyses.

Research Collaboration

サンプル画像Users and hub-spoke institutions of ARIM will collaborate on experiments, data analysis and academic discussions.

Data Utilization

サンプル画像The accumulated data can be used as a database and can also be utilized to derive new information for users.


Acknowledgements -for work supported by ARIM-

All published research articles should have an acknowledgement of support in the form of a sentence as follows:

(A part of) This work was supported by "Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology in Japan (ARIM)" of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Proposal Number JPMXP12yyxx1234.


25 Universities and Institutes

Central Hub

Institution name Representative email address
National Institute for Materials Science(NIMS) ARIM_info(at)  (General info)
arim-system(at) (For facility use)


Institution name Representative email address
Tohoku University office.cints(at)
The University of Tokyo info(at)
Nagoya University material-sentan(at)
Kyoto University kyodai-hub(at)
Kyushu University mat_bureau(at)


Institution name Representative email address
Hokkaido University material-dx(at)
Chitose Institute of Science and Technology arim-admin(at)
Yamagata University arim-users-group(at)
University of Tsukuba
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST) M-tia-arim-ml(at)
Waseda University ntrc-office(at)
Tokyo Institute of Technology miya(at)
The University of Electro-Communications info(at)
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(JAIST) arim(at)
Shinshu University m_infra(at)
Nagoya Institute of Technology hihara(at)
Toyota Technological Institute arim_office(at)
Institute for Molecular Science ims-material(at)
Osaka University info-nanoplat(at)
Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA) harima-usersoffice(at)
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology(QST) qst_arim(at)
Nara Institute of Science and Technology(NAIST) naist-arim(at)
Hiroshima University nanofab(at)
Kagawa University materialsri-c(at)

Please change *(at) to @.

contact information

For inquiries regarding this page, please contact ARIM Japan.

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