Best Outstanding Achievement Award
"Vacuum ultlaviolet field emission lamp using fluoride thin film"
Outstanding Achievement Awards
"Enhanced lattice defect formation associated with hydrogen and hydrogen embrittlement under elastic stress of a tempered martensitic steel"
"In-situ TEM observation of nanowire crystal growth"
"Development of solution sample holder for Pulsed Coherent X-ray Solution Scattering"
"Development of a method for synthesizing useful proteins by using suspension-cultured plant cells"
"ESR and X-ray observation of a helium atom and placing a nitrogen atom inside He@C60 and He@C7"
nano tech 2015 Poster Exhibition
1. Enhanced lattice defect formation associated with hydrogen and hydrogen embrittlement under elastic stress of a tempered martensitic steel
2. In-situ TEM observation of nanowire crystal growth
3. Development of solution sample holder for Pulsed Coherent X-ray Solution Scattering
4. Development of a method for synthesizing useful proteins by using suspension-cultured plant cells
5. ESR and X-ray observation of a helium atom and placing a nitrogen atom inside He@C60 and He@C70
6. Vacuum ultlaviolet field emission lamp using fluoride thin film
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