20th International Symposium on Nanotechnology
"From a Nanotechnology Platform to a Materials DX Platform
-Aims on Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology-"
Thanks to your kind support, we could carry out this symposium with great success.
The Scope of JAPAN NANO 2022:
With the emergence of global issues such as environmental and climate problems and the pandemic situation by the global epidemic of new coronavirus infections, the Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals (STI for SDGs) is becoming more and more important. Furthermore, large-scale information processing and high-speed communication technology such as IoT and AI is promoted toward the realization of a super smart society (Society 5.0), and the digital transformation (DX) is desired in various fields.
The Nanotechnology Platform Japan has supported the promotion of science and technology by widely sharing advanced equipment regardless of industry, government, or academia. The project ends this fiscal year and we summarize the achievements of the project in last 10 years. In addition, we will survey the future brought about by the Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology in Japan, which was newly launched to incorporate the DX into the material science field to strengthen material innovation force.

Registration Deadline (onsite):
January 24, 2022
*Online registration is open
until symposium ends.
The participants can get an information of "The 21st International Nanotechnoligy Exhibition & Conference (nano tech 2022)"
-Registrants who complete registration by 17:00 Tuesday, January 4, 2022 will receive the leaflet of nano tech 2022 by mail.
Please note it is only for those who live in Japan.
Date: January 28th(Fri), 2022
Venue: Tokyo Big Sight, Conference Tower 7F,
International Conference Hall
(Ariake, Tokyo: https://www.bigsight.jp/english/visitor/access/)
*Hybrid Conference
Language: English / Japanese (simultaneous interpretation)
Conference Fee: Free
Organized by
Nanotechnology Platform by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Center for Nanotechnology Platform, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
[Download]|Poster|Brochure |Fax Registration Form|
- 10:00-10:10 <Opening Remarks>
Kazuhito Hashimoto (President, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan)
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
- 10:10-12:00 <Session1: 10-year achievements of Nanotechnology Platform Japan>
10:10- Yasuo Koide (National Institute for Materials Science)
"Center of Nanotechnology Platform"
10:35- Daisuke Fujita (National Institute for Materials Science)
"Advanced Characterization Nanotechnology Platform"
11:00-11:10 Break
11:10- Hidetoshi Kotera (RIKEN)
"Nanofabrication Platform"
11:35- Toshihiko Yokoyama (National Institutes of Natural Sciences Institute for Molecular Science)
"Molecule & Material Synthesis Platform"
12:00-13:10 Lunch
- 13:10-15:30 <Session2: Material data strategy to strengthen material innovation force>
13:10- <Plenary Lecture>
Teruo Kishi (Innovative Structural Materials Association)
"Expectations for the Material DX Platform to Strengthen Materials Innovations"
13:45- <Special Lecture>
Taro Hitosugi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
"Research transformation driven by open facility platform"
14:20-14:30 Break
14:30- <Overseas Invited Lectures>
14:30- Martin L. Green (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA)
"Autonomous (AI-Driven) Experimental Materials Science"
15:00- Claudia Draxl (Humboldt University, Germany)
"FAIRmat - Making Materials Research Data Findable and AI-ready"
15:30-15:50 Coffee Break
- 15:50-17:05 <Session3: Importance of data utilization in material strategy>
15:50- Toyotaro Suzumura (The University of Tokyo)
"The mdx Platform that Accelerates Cross-Disciplinary Research and its Applications to Materials Informatics"
16:15- Masahiko Demura (National Institute for Materials Science)
"Materials Research in the Data Era: A NIMS Challenge"
16:40- Shingo Ichimura (Waseda University)
"Standardization of output data format for measurement and analysis instrument: current situation and future plan"
- 17:05-17:10 <Closing Remarks>
Yasuo Koide (Chairperson of the Organizing Committee of JAPAN NANO 2022 / Director, Center for Nanotechnology Platform, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan)
[Organizing Committee]
Yasuo Koide (Chair) (National Institute for Materials Science)Hidetoshi Kotera (RIKEN)
Nobutaka Hanagata (National Institute for Materials Science)
Daisuke Fujita (National Institute for Materials Science)
Masanori Mitome (National Institute for Materials Science)
Toshihiko Yokoyama (National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Institute for Molecular Science)
[Program Committee]
Masanori Mitome (Chair) (National Institute for Materials Science)Hiroyuki Akinaga (Kyoto University)
Takashi Kato (Nagoya University)
Tsuyoshi Kawai (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
Yasuo Koide (National Institute for Materials Science)
Naonobu Shimamoto (The University of Tokyo)
Kenjiro Taura (The University of Tokyo)
Takehiko Hihara (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Daisuke Fujita (National Institute for Materials Science)
Syo Matsumura (Kyushu University)