利用報告書 / User's Report


課題データ / Project Data

課題番号 / Project Issue Number


利用課題名 / Title


利用した実施機関 / Support Institute


機関外・機関内の利用 / External or Internal Use

内部利用(ARIM事業参画者以外)/Internal Use (by non ARIM members)

技術領域 / Technology Area

【横断技術領域 / Cross-Technology Area】(主 / Main)計測・分析/Advanced Characterization(副 / Sub)-

【重要技術領域 / Important Technology Area】(主 / Main)マルチマテリアル化技術・次世代高分子マテリアル/Multi-material technologies / Next-generation high-molecular materials(副 / Sub)量子・電子制御により革新的な機能を発現するマテリアル/Materials using quantum and electronic control to perform innovative functions

キーワード / Keywords

X線回折/X-ray diffraction,表面・界面・粒界制御/ Surface/interface/grain boundary control,異種材料接着・接合技術/ Dissimilar material adhesion/bonding technology

利用者と利用形態 / User and Support Type

利用者名(課題申請者)/ User Name (Project Applicant)

陳  偉彦

所属名 / Affiliation


共同利用者氏名 / Names of Collaborators in Other Institutes Than Hub and Spoke Institutes
ARIM実施機関支援担当者 / Names of Collaborators in The Hub and Spoke Institutes
利用形態 / Support Type

(主 / Main)機器利用/Equipment Utilization(副 / Sub),技術補助/Technical Assistance

利用した主な設備 / Equipment Used in This Project


報告書データ / Report

概要(目的・用途・実施内容)/ Abstract (Aim, Use Applications and Contents)

To investigated the chemical composition of the galvanized steel surface after hot water treatment, XPS test was performed.

実験 / Experimental

A XPS instrument (PHI 5000 VersaProbe, ULVAC-PHI, Inc.) was used. A high vacuum condition (< 1× 10-6 Pa) was ensured and a standard monochromatic Al Kα X-ray source (1486.6 eV) with focus point of 100 μm was utilized. Survey spectra were obtained with a pass energy of 117.4 eV and an energy step of 1.0 eV. High-resolution spectra were obtained with a pass energy of 23.5 eV and an energy step of 0.1 eV. All the spectra were calibrated by shifting C1s peak to 284.8 eV to avoid the charging effect.

結果と考察 / Results and Discussion

The result showed that two kinds of chemical compositions existed on the hot water treated galvanized steel surface: pure zinc and zinc oxide. The generated new chemical composition was zinc oxide, resulting from the chemical reaction between water and Zn. The stability of zinc oxide is better than pure zinc, providing better corrosion resistance to the galvanized steel.

図・表・数式 / Figures, Tables and Equations
その他・特記事項(参考文献・謝辞等) / Remarks(References and Acknowledgements)

成果発表・成果利用 / Publication and Patents

論文・プロシーディング(DOIのあるもの) / DOI (Publication and Proceedings)
  1. Weiyan Chen, Effect of nanostructured zinc coating on high joining strength of polymer/galvanized high-strength steel composite via injection molding, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 85, 295-305(2023).
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2022.11.044
  2. Weiyan Chen, Heat treatment induced strength improvement of the injection-molded joint between polymer and blasted steel, Materials Letters, 333, 133651(2023).
    DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2022.133651
口頭発表、ポスター発表および、その他の論文 / Oral Presentations etc.
  1. Chen W, Kimura F and Kajihara Y. Joining strength dependence on hot water treated surface textures of galvanized steel in injection molded direct joining. 37th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-37), Japan, Apr, 2022.
特許 / Patents

特許出願件数 / Number of Patent Applications:0件
特許登録件数 / Number of Registered Patents:0件
